March 26 Getting Off The Dental Treadmill "How to Avoid Burnout with a Busy Life & Career" (Via Zoom)
Location: Via Zoom
Phone: If you have any questions, please call our office at (510) 782-5316.
Please join us for this very informative event on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 (via Zoom) with Speaker: Natanya Brown DMD
A presentation geared towards understanding what causes burnout and how we can treat/avoid it. We are taught that if we scale back our clinical days or take more vacations, that will do the trick. But will it? In this presentation, we get to the underlying causes of burnout so that we can gain more control, balance, and peace both within our practice lives as well as outside. 2 CE Units
How to Mindfully Unwind From A Day of Dentistry
You know those days that leave you feeling stressed, like you could use a glass of wine or something yummy to eat? This lecture is specifically geared towards understanding our feelings and specifically how we process stress throughout the day. We will discuss simple tools for processing stress in a more productive way, creating joy and pleasure outside of food and/or alcohol, and how to create healthy routines to take care of ourselves, optimizing our health and well being.
- Banish perfectionism
- Overcome imposter syndrome and self-doubts
- Make decisions with confidence and stop second guessing
- Defining success/happiness
- Stop people pleasing
- Tap into self love and acceptance
- Goal setting and realization
- Creating peace and balance personally and professionally
- Processing difficult feelings
- Becoming resilient to the chaos of life
- Self-care: creating healthy habits for a fit mind and body

Dr. Natanya Brown, is a board certified endodontist (with training from Tufts, Harvard, and the Univ of Illinois atChicago) as well as a certified life and weight loss coach (with training from The Life Coach School). Tapping intothe power of mindfulness and coaching, she helps dentists decrease overwhelm, prioritize their personal goals, and create more joy in their lives. Her process has helped countless individuals decrease symptoms of burnout by equipping them with the ability to process stress productively and feel confident making choices so they live with intention. Dr. Natanya regularly presents on the topics of health, wellness and burnout to various dental organizations and hosts the The Joyful Dentist Podcast.
Members - Early Registration Fee By February 28 - Price: $49.00 - Members - Late Registration Fee After February 28 - Price: $79.00
Non Member - Early Registration Fee By February 28 - Price: $59.00 - Non Member - Early Registration Fee By February 28 - Price: $89.00
Staff Members - Early Registration Fee By February 28 - Price: $39.00 - Staff Members - Early Registration Fee By February 28 - Price: $59.00